Minimum ressources required by a PS4 instance

Last modified by Christian Reiber on 2021/02/26 11:50

Ressource need scales with the number and kind of applications you plan to run and the number of users you want to serve. Luckily virtual environments make it easy to increase resources when necessary so that ressources can grow according to demand. 

Resource requirements vary wildly depending on the kind and number of stacks you want to run on your PS4 instance. Therefore the following requirements can just serve as rough guideline to start with:

                      CPUsRAM  DiskRemark
 Bare minimum             1      1 GB    4 GB   Just for trying PS4 and running proxy and GoTTY stacks. 
 Minimal setup            2      2 GB   10 GB   Run stacks with low resource requirements for <10 users. 
 Convenient setup         4      8 GB   30 GB   
Created by Christian Reiber on 2021/02/15 10:29
