
Last modified by Christian Reiber on 2021/09/24 19:28


This software stack provides Docker and Portainer as an Application Server (ASE). Docker is the container facility, while Portainer acts s a Web-service for the administration of Docker. Portainer allows you to manage all Docker resources, including containers, images, volumes, and networks. Portainer provides both a UI and a REST API. This software stack integrated Portainer with a standalone Docker-in-Docker container, which is distinct from the host Docker facility, but still uses the host network and so can publish application ports. The Docker-in-Docker can be reached under the host IP and TCP port 12375.


 Stack-Description  Docker/Portainer Application Server (ASE)    
 Stack-Version      19.03.14 
 Stack-Release      20201204 
 Product-Name  Docker & Portainer 
 Product-Vendor  Docker Inc. & Portainer Development Team 
 Product-Model  Open Source 
 Product-License  Apache & MIT-style 
 Product-Limits  none 
Implementation Base  JavaScript
Execution Base       standalone
Initial Start Time   2s 


This stack is comprised of two containers:

  • ase-docker-fe is the frontend container. It runs the Portainer application which offers both a Web-GUI and a REST-API for the administration of the Docker containers living in the backend.
  • ase-docker-be is the backend container which contains a stand-alone Docker installation, so these are truly containers in a container or "Docker-in-Docker". Yes, this really works. Using the Portainer frontend you are able to manager Docker containers which are distinct to the PS4 container infrastructure but still uses the host network.


Variable Name       Default Meaning  

See also the variables which control integration of the stack into the reverse proxy.
For changes to take effect the stack has to be reinstalled.

First Steps

When accesing the Web-UI for the first time after you have installed you are requested to choose a password for the "admin" account. You have to enter this password twice. The admin account is your primary means of interacting with  the stack the login dialog appears with username "admin" prefilled. You now have to enter a password twice (at least 8 characters long), this is then your primary means to interact with the Portainer application.

After logging in Portainer's home screen is displayed. It shows an Endpoint list. Endpoints is Portainer's term for the URL through which you access a certain container infrastructure. You already see primary displayed as only element, this is the Docker installation set up in the backend container of this stack. 

Once you select the primary tile the dashboard of this Docker installation is displayed and numerous elements are added to the navigation bat on the left. 

To download and deploy your first container image select Containers in the navigation bar and press button Add container at the top right. In the following "Create Container" panel 

  • choose a name for your container 
  • and then enter the name of the image this container is based on. You may add a concrete image version, otherwise Portainer will look for the image marked "latest".
    Per default only the DockerHub registry is available but you can add more registries when clicking on Registries in the navigation bar. The screen page allows you to change various settings which influence the way the container is deployed.

Once you press Deploy container the image will be located, downloaded and started. It then shows up in the Containers list.

You may click on the container and image name in the list. This reveals more details and also allows to change the container's name. Specifically, Duplicate/Edit allows you to create a new container image based on the current one and (if you do not change the container's name) replace the current image. In the panel you may modify any of the container's settings.

The Quick actions column has a few icons which allow you to

  • browse and follow the container's logs
  • inspect the container
  • get statistics about the container execution (memory, CPU and network usage)
  • and start a terminal shell in the container

You maintain the container's state through the colored buttons at the top of the "containers" page after you have chakec all container in the list which shall be affected by your action.

The App Templates selection in the navigation bar brings up a list of popular applications for which ready-made container setups are available. Just click on the application, select a container name on the next page and press the button Deploy the container.

Related Documents


Created by Christian Reiber on 2019/10/29 14:16
