This software stack provides K3S, a fully compliant production-grade Kubernetes (K8S) Application Server (ASE). K3S is NOT intended for true server clustering, but to have Kubernetes functionality available with a minimum of required resources. This stack actually runs a single Kubernetes control plane (server, aka node0), three Kubernetes worker nodes (aka node[012]), a reverse proxy (aka proxy) and an NFS server (aka storage) -- each in their own Docker container.As Kubernetes system base functionality the CoreDNS name resolution service, the Traefik ingress controller, the Maesh Service Mesh Interface (SMI), the NFS Container Storage Interface (CSI) provisioner, and both the Kubernetes Dashboard (runs inside cluster) and Kubernator (runs outside cluster) user interfaces are provided out-of-the-box.
Stack-Description | K3S Kubernetes Application Server (ASE) |
Stack-Image | |
Stack-Version | 1.23.6 |
Stack-Release | 20220609 |
Product-Name | K3S |
Product-Vendor | Rancher Labs, Inc. |
Product-Contact | |
Product-Model | Open Source |
Product-License | Apache |
Product-Limits | none |
Implementation Base | GO |
Execution Base | Apache WebServer |
Initial Start Time | 00:00:15 |
Documentation | |
The stack consists of 6 containers:
- ase-k3s-node 1...3: there are 3 node container running
- ase-k3s-proxy: you have a proxy service running in one container
- ase-k3s-server: the server is running in one container
- ase-k3s-storage: you have a storage container
Variable Name | Default | Meaning |
First Steps
Install k3s
K3S_CLUSTER_SECRET=$(apg -n1 -a0 -m32 -x32 -MCL) \
K3S_PASSWD_ADMIN=$(apg -n1 -a0 -m32 -x32 -MCL) \
K3S_PASSWD_SYSTEM=$(apg -n1 -a0 -m32 -x32 -MCL)
docker-stack install ase-k3s
Install k8s-util
( cd k8s-util && make install )
Cleanup (ignore errors)
source <(k8s-util env)
Create new environment and download local clients
Create dummy empty kube config and configure to connect local cluster
kubectl --kubeconfig=$HOME/.k8s-util.d/etc/k8s/default config set-cluster local --server=https://localhost:6443 --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Retrieve bootstrap config from the local cluster with local admin user
Overwrite URL with cluster connect URL
Activate admin environment
kubensx use -f -n default
kubensx use -f -c local
Verify access
Create an own admin user managed by kubernetes
Switch to the created admin user
source <(k8s-util env)
kubensx use -f -u root
Verify access
Administration Commands
Command | Arguments | Function | |
docker-stack exec ase-k3s kubeconfig | |||
docker-stack exec ase-k3s k3s-passwd |
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